We develop and invest in electric
transportation projects

We aim to positively impact people's well-being through the development of sustainable transportation projects

We seek the decarbonization of transportation in the Americas

Transportation accounts for approximately 25% of greenhouse gas emissions, and its electrification improves air quality and public health. Additionally, it reduces the carbon footprint and offers a better travel experience, contributing to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals and positively impacting people’s well-being.

We have

+ 0


Our buses transport

+ 0 Million

passengers monthly

Our buses cover

+ 1 Million

kilometers monthly

We help to avoid

+ 100 Tons

of CO2 monthly

We Structure

electric transportation projects tailored to the specific needs of our clients

We invest

in the assets required for our clients’ operations. This way, they can allocate their capital to the most profitable part of their business

We implement

projects efficiently, ensuring the optimal and timely operation of all assets

We manage

the assets in partnership with our clients and ensuring their proper functioning during operation

At VGMobility, We Are


Transportation has been integral to human history. We rely on it to commute to work, attend school, go shopping, or simply visit friends. It is an essential public service with significant social and economic impact.


Investing in buses, depots, and charging facilities for public transportation means investing in essential social infrastructure that cities need to become more livable, positively impacting their residents. Additionally, transportation is a significant driver of job creation.


Transportation accounts for 25% of global emissions. Transitioning public transport to electric will lead to cleaner air, reduced noise, and greener, more livable cities that align with decarbonization goals.